
Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Struggle: Writer's Block

I have currently been staring at my computer screen for about 4 hours now and I am drawing up a complete blank. There are so many topics swirling through the jumbled mess that I call a brain making it seemingly impossible for me to write ANYTHING. I've gone through about 12 different topics that I want to write about. Each topic seems very interesting but the moment I attempt to type, my fingers hover uncertainly over my keyboard. I type two sentences and quickly delete it, absolutely horrified. My screen returns to an empty white page with the bright orange 'publish' sign ridiculing me and I quickly realize why my ability to write is currently lackluster.
 I am forcing myself to write instead of just letting myself write and attempting to produce content that does not depict who I am. Instead, I'm taking myself too seriously and pressuring myself to write what I think will attract more readers. But then what’s the fun in that? I want to please others with my writing, but what about me? I know that by writing posts just for the purpose of gaining readers, I will be subjecting myself to producing work that is devoid of soul and I am certainly not going down that path. So, I am taking a deep breath and starting over again. I’m going back to the basics by creating and developing ideas that appeals to me and allows for me to write without second-guessing the topic and content. This may sometimes mean a week without a new post but its necessary in order for me to write good and creative works.

Do you ever get writer's block? And if you do what does it usually stem from? Let me know down in the comments.


  1. I just finished reading your past posts and I just want to tell you that you are a great writer... you are able to effectively put your thoughts into words (not many people can do that)
    I too get writer's block quite often and it's usually due to the environment or background I'm in... usually a change in location helps me thoughts flow better going out and looking around also helps

    1. Thank you Brisa! And that also happens to me sometimes, I usually just listen to music if that's the case.

  2. I get writer's block all the time especially when it has something to do with school but, i at the last minute my brain decides to work and produce something B worthy. Good post i love it. Writing about writer's block while having writer's block was a good idea.

    1. Yea that happens to me too. I feel more restricted on my writing when it comes to assignments. And thanks for the compliment. :)

  3. Wooooaaahhhh! You are an amazing writer (I'm almost jealous). I felt like I was reading something an adult wrote. Anyways, I think we all get a writer's block at some point in our lives but in my case, I get it every time I have to write some thing. Even replying to your post caused a writer's block. So, I guess thinking in general causes a writer's block for me ;)

    1. Haha thank you. Your comment gave me a laugh. :)
